CEU European Business School in Hungary

Provides international education programs in Hungary: first degree, undergraduate degree, dual degree in international business, executive mba, american mba, weekend mba

Home  > Program Choices > Graduate Degree Programs > Weekend MBA > Prospective Students > What participants say

What participants say


János Rátonyi

BA, Cornell University, USA, Home country: Hungary, Current position: Development Group Leader, Amdocs

"The WEEKEND MBA at CEU allows me to obtain a degree in a prestigious institution, while continuing to pursue my professional career. The program provides a omprehensive view of business management, which allows me to broaden my horizons in many areas. In fact, with the Weekend MBA, I can immediately apply the knowledge and skills acquired at the Business School in my professional life."


Anna Zadvbrovskaya

MA, Intercultural Linguistics & Communications, Moscow, Home country: Russia, Recent position: Logistics Coordinator, Solvey Pharma, Moscow

"The CEU MBA helps you obtain the necessary theoretical knowledge about managing an enterprise in the modern business environment. The faculty also offers practical insights, since most of them consult for the biggest and most successful corporations. The program gives a broad overview of world management practices, illustrated with real-world case studies of companies from a wide variety of industries. In addition, the program is truly an international experience, as students come from all parts of the globe. It is a huge cultural and professional exchange, which is an enormous added-value."